6 ft brush hog work on Massey 1433V tractor


New member
I have a MF 1433V tractor. I want to buy a brush hog just for mowing a few large fields, I have a small 4ft brush hog (King Kutter) I use for heavy cutting. But I am wondering if I can run a 6ft rotary cut brush hog behind my tractor it has I believe 30 hp. Anyone know if a 6 ft one will work?
First, welcome to the forum.

Second, I heard someplace (it might have been on this forum) to figure about 5 hp per foot of bush-hog, so in that case your 30hp times 6ft = just right. You might have to slow down if you get in heavy stuff.
I looked it up on tractordata.com and it shows 33hp gross w/ 26.3/27 hp at the pto, (hydro/gear).
I run a 5' w/22+ pto hp and it does fairly well. I think you'll be ok.