"Extension" Rototiller Tines


New member
Greetings All,

First time poster. I'm in need of some add on tines for a 5HP Duramark front tine tiller. it's a good machine but without the extra tines it's a flowerbed tiller at best. Three hours to till a normal size garden with it is cruel and unusual punishment.

I'm not having much luck finding L Tines/shear pins anywhere. Any input as to where one could source such things would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for ideas.


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Welcome to the forum.

Never heard of Duramark. Did you mean Dynamark?

Never heard of extensions. How warn are the tines? You should be able to get replacement tines which would help if yours are worn.


New member
It's a Duramark for certain. I wish it was a more common machine as I do not know who makes it.

Doc thanks for the link. What I mean when I say "extension" is not to add length to the tines but to add more tines. It has two now but I'm sure the shaft is built for an addition and at 5HP I'm sure it could turn four.

Check out the eighth one down on the link. (#1822885) Maybe has a shaft on the other side?


New member
A picture is worth a thousand words so hopefully these will help a bit.

This is the brand of the tiller.


Here is the shaft which looks to me to be able to accept another set of tines.



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Still not familiar with that brand but those tines don't look like they're proprietary so there's a good chance another common brand will have the same shaft size and tine length.

If you have a good small engine place around you, I'd take it in there to see if they could match it up. Otherwise, take shaft dimensions and tine lengths then look online at parts manuals to see if you could find a match. Online, I'd look for Murray first since they have or make tillers for lots of companies.