How to move or unstick a tractor using FEL??


New member
Greetings friends!

I am looking for instructions or a video about how you use a front end loader to creep a tractor forward if it is stuck.

I'm honestly shocked I can't find a video on youTube, but then maybe I'm not using the right search terms!

So here's the story: after months of lurking through your great posts I finally got my first (compact) tractor about two weeks ago. I only have 11 hours on it so far, but having a blast, that is until I blew the seal on a rear tire Tuesday night. Don't have any idea yet how I did that, it was filled by the dealer, and maybe it had a slow leak which I missed, but regardless, it is flat and the seal is de-beaded.

So, here's the stuck part: it is on a hill, and I need to get it up to level ground to change it, but because the rear wheal is flat, I can't get enough traction with the front (opposite front wheel can't get traction.) I think if I can use the front end loader I can inch it up the hill, but honestly have no idea how that is done. Actually, I have an idea, but the hill adds an element of excitement, and I don't really want to roll back on top of the brush hog I had to detach and leave there.

So, who has a good way of describing this bucket trick? Or better yet, who has a good video?

While y'all do that I'll go see what trouble I can come up with in the meantime. See if I can figure it out without taking out my brush hog or fence!
Curl the bucket forward until its floor is about 45 degrees before vertical.
Jam the front edge of the bucket into the ground. Release tractor brake. Also let out the clutch to drive forward.
Curl the bucket forward as far as it will go. This should pull the tractor forward a few inches, with the bucket assisting whatever pull the tires have.
Repeat ...

And another use for the loader: You can lower it, force it downward, enough to raise the front axle off the ground. (You probably need the bucket curled forward to get much height). Then if you are stuck in mud you have space to throw brush, lumber, etc under the front tires. You might need lumber under the bucket too so it doen't just sink in.

Third: the loader turned with its floor flat makes a great toboggan to help support the tractor and back up when the front tires are hopelessly buried in mud. Or the curl described above works well to help shove the tractor backward.
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new tractor!

I can't get enough traction with the front (opposite front wheel can't get traction.)
Use your differential lock. It's normally a pedal at the heal of your left foot.

Put it in a low gear and after you let out the clutch, push that pedal down and you should be able to climb out.
Yep, just like CA said. :thumb: I've used that method and while it does work, doing it on a hill would make it tougher to accomplish.

I had much the same situation except it was my front tire that was loaded and it lost it's seal. I had just scooped up a load of dirt and the extra weight popped the seal and made a muddy mess. I was stuck and used the loader to help me back out of the mud. Plus it helped me to hold the tractor up high enough to remove the wheel. It was slow moving with the bucket but I got there. I mean a few inches at a time.
With it being the rear tire that is flat that would make your situation tougher, plus you need to go UP a hill. :eek: Like homemade suggested a winch might be the better solution in your situation.

Good luck.
ps. Take pics to share if you dare. We love to see other folks stuck just like we get stuck. :hide:
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new tractor!

Use your differential lock. It's normally a pedal at the heal of your left foot.

Put it in a low gear and after you let out the clutch, push that pedal down and you should be able to climb out.
Even using differential lock did not work in my situation. Since the wheel turned like it should but the tire just sat there I was a dead duck. My R4's just picked up more mud and made them slicks. It was a mess.
With a little luck maybe the differential will work for paintedgate. Please do let us know what does work for you once you get er out.
Even using differential lock did not work in my situation. Since the wheel turned like it should but the tire just sat there I was a dead duck. My R4's just picked up more mud and made them slicks. It was a mess.
With a little luck maybe the differential will work for paintedgate. Please do let us know what does work for you once you get er out.
If he's running the brush hog (on a hill), I'm assuming he's not in mud.