L3400 Series Grapple Suggestions

Big Bill

New member
Hello Everyone,

I've stuck pushing brush and logs around on the ground by scraping them with my Kubota L3400. It's better than hauling them by hand no doubt, but I'm looking to upgrade to a grapple. I've been doing a little research but haven't really been able to determine the best option so I though I'd ask for some real world experience instead of just relying on Google.

Does anyone have experience with a high quality grapple for the L3400 series? Made in the USA if possible.
I have a 48" from Construction Attachments (IRC). It weighs less - and therefore picks up heavier objects (like a log) - than it's 54" or 72" brethern. I've never regretted getting the 48" version.

Good luck.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I ended up going with the Catawba Attachments 55. I've been using it to clean up the fallen trees and branches on our five acre homestead over the past couple months and it sure has made the job easier. The thing is defiantly built to last. Have barely been able to scratch it. Would highly recommend if anyone's in the market.
