Mahindra 4x4


Used the 4x4 today, now can not seem to get out of 4x4, any suggestions as to why, has anyone else had this problem with a 2016 2538 hst open station?
I've had the issue but not with that particular tractor. In general .... Level ground might help. Turning off the tractor and trying might help.
If you have run it in 4x4 while on concrete or very hard ground, the drive line may be wound up tight, preventing the 4x4 system from disengaging. Try backing up a few feet, then try it. If you have a FEL on it, try lifting the front end with it and then try to disengage.
Finally got the 4x4 to release, he hardware going into the main case was rusted up very bad. Lots of solvent and a little persuasion with pliers did the trick. That means lubing that often to avoid a stuck 4x4. Thanks to all for the help you gave me.