Miserable hot here today. 95 or a bit more. Seems to take your breath away.
With all the heat my grass is 4 acres of mostly brown. I haven't mowed in 5 or 6 weeks. Maybe more, I've lost count.
ETF is that normal for you? Does your grass quit growing when the heat gets way up there?
At this time of year temperatures in the mid 90s are pretty normal, even a little low. I only really pay attention when it gets above a 100°F.
No, it doesn't quit growing. I mow every 7 to 10 days all through the summer. One of the best things that I have ever done was, when we moved here almost 30 years ago, I had a water well drilled and installed a sprinkler system in our 4-acre yard. I'm now on my second water well. So, I pour the water to the St Augustine (and the junk grass) using the well water. When it gets above 100°F I run the sprinklers for 16 hours a day, that's 2-hours per station, usually every other day. I cut the time and the frequency back as the temperature cools off. It keeps the grass green and growing.
My neighbors and friends who don't water, their grass is mostly brown and crispy by this time, especially the ones who live in town. That city water is too expensive to use it for watering a yard.