Roxor Bumpers and early TJYJ Jeep Bumpers


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I just ordered the front and rear AEG bumpers 2 days ago and all the way from Cali to Ms in 2 days (maybe they had a distribution house closer but anyways I'm very happy !!) !! I came in from working on the farm and there were 2 long packages under the carport. I was filled with glee !!!! Could it be?? Yes!! they were from Vicious Offroad and very heavy !! Extremely well padded too - with rubber cones and thick padding so not a scratch on them. Definitely good quality and weight is around 60 and 90 lbs respectively (estimate) about 60" long as well. Pictures follow . Hope to put them on right away. collie


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Slowly getting around to modifying this bumper to fit. I am not the best welder so my bil has lent his services of welding so I will have a secure weld. We took a piece of heavy flat stock and cut it to fit the top mounts of the EAG bumper . This stock will be tack welded to the top edge of Roxor's frame, unbolted, finish the weld then rebolted to the bumper. The original Roxor vertical mounts were in alignment with the D ring mounts of the bumper so will need another modification there .Will probably use more of the flat stock and just extend the vertical mounting holes past the D rings on each side.

edit : the pieces of flat stock visible with the bolts are what we are adding to the frame.In this picture, its not yet welded but just sitting on the bumper to test positioning. The other picture shows the bumper's black mount that is behind the flat stock in the picture .


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Here it is all finished - the front bumper at least. edit: Well for some reason my phone isn't sending the picture to my computer but I'll get the finished bumper picture posted tomorrow. collie


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