RTV 900 airlock fixed itself?


New member
Have a RTV 900G. Was sitting over the winter on a bit of an incline facing downwards. Started it up, turned it around and backed it down the hill and the transmission seemed to give out immediately.

Engine would start ok and rev but machine would not move forward or backwards at all.

Tried a few times over a week and then just left it on the driveway facing up a slight incline for a few weeks.

Started it up today and like magic transmission is just fine - everything works like it should. Goes forward, backwards and even sounds happy.

Any thoughts on what the issue could have been and how to avoid it in future? Could this have been an airlock that worked its way out?

Is it the non use for a few months that did it or the machine facing slightly downwards? Anyone experience this?

Would appreciate any thoughts though very happy about the magic fix!