Own a couple of stihl's great saw with NO issue's, I cut well over 65 face cord a year, plus use them for carving and get logs ready for milling. I agree with those that write about spending a little extra for a dependable saw, in the long run you'll be spending less and have a lot less headaches. The other thing to remember is that the saw will only be as good as the operator, proper maintenance and sharp chain will make a world of difference. I'm a stickler for a sharp chain if the saw is not pulling itself through the wood then the blade is dull. A dull blade will cause other bigger problems down the road(over heating the bar and clutch components). I also feel a proper muffler mod is a helpful improvement. I did not do the mod to make the machine loud, in fact there isn't much difference, the mod is done to help keep heat out and it does add a certain % of power gain.