Not speaking or truly at all understanding the double speak of a person that knows everything about everything. I just know how God has touched me, helped me, burned me, and loves me. HE TOLD US WHAT HE WANTS FROM US IN THE FAMOUS 10 so long ago. Sorry, I am kinda simple so dont try to mystify folks with the double speak of the knowledgeable. Later, many hundreds of years, the world needed a lesson and was sophisticated enough to get that lesson and HE decided to have the son that I outlined above. I GET AND UNDERSTAND THE LESSONS.......FOLLOW THOSE 10 COMMANDMENTS. It's that simple. Not a bunch of gobbledegook that nobody can understand. Believe what you do, it's your right. Say what you think, and know that we should be totally thankful for having a place like this to be able to say how we feel..........God bless These United States......because even our money says, "In God We Trust".................