Easter Religious Discussion


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Yes, Happy Eostre.... the celebration of the goddess of the solstice... to celebrate recovery from winter.


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Yes, Happy Eostre.... the celebration of the goddess of the solstice... to celebrate recovery from winter.
i think is is pretty clear that the post was referring to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. but if the meaning of Easter to you is a celebration of a goddess then that is your business.

D&D Farm

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In our society, there is a certain segment that has the right to elect leadership that wants this type of hyperbole. Take our society away from God and the beliefs that made our Country as fantastic as it WAS. We are in a downturn now because of the beliefs expressed by people that go around trying to lead the leaderless. Let Hollywood and popular belief systems dance with the drums heard in hell. Let this fella come on here to try to turn thoughts and heads towards the gates of hell. So much more, but this dance to the solstice is coincidence to those that are led towards God.............Sorry, to deep for most. But those that understand KNOW that Jesus died at the time that HE did......WE KNOW AND UNDERSTAND........


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i am not sure that geohorn is a goddess worshiper but most likely concerned that some lukewarm would be deceived. the calendar that God gave us is a lunar based calendar and not the same as the solar based one we use today. the feasts and festivals are all based on the moon as a timekeeper. the early gods and and their worship cycles are also both lunar and solar as their gods were always sun and moon gods--- also seen to them as female moon and male sun. unlike our God who created the sun and the moon and established them in their paths as singes in the heavens to direct the dark and the light. it is complicated but also just so simple if you just trust God.

i don't mean to sound like a chastiser or even a teacher either just sharing the good news as God has revealed himself to me. personally i like to refer to Jesus as not dying on the cross but fulfilling his roll as the perfect lamb of atonement. the whole roman army the most superpower of the world exhausted itself and could not kill Jesus because the time hadn't come yet. but when the appointed time had come at sundown on the moment the lamb would be offered up Jesus gave it all and suffered even more so we can stand before God on judgment day and be without guilt. i hope this post edifies and not cause conflict.


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My earlier post was completely misunderstood... but the reaction illustrates why most Christians were murdered by other “Christians”.

D&D Farm

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Not speaking or truly at all understanding the double speak of a person that knows everything about everything. I just know how God has touched me, helped me, burned me, and loves me. HE TOLD US WHAT HE WANTS FROM US IN THE FAMOUS 10 so long ago. Sorry, I am kinda simple so dont try to mystify folks with the double speak of the knowledgeable. Later, many hundreds of years, the world needed a lesson and was sophisticated enough to get that lesson and HE decided to have the son that I outlined above. I GET AND UNDERSTAND THE LESSONS.......FOLLOW THOSE 10 COMMANDMENTS. It's that simple. Not a bunch of gobbledegook that nobody can understand. Believe what you do, it's your right. Say what you think, and know that we should be totally thankful for having a place like this to be able to say how we feel..........God bless These United States......because even our money says, "In God We Trust".................


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I moved these posts to a new thread since the discussion veered away from Happy Easter.


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I don't have any connection to certain religious establishments but do believe Jesus is my Savior and that He died to save me and others who believe in Him and have turned from their evil ways.
At the wedding feast, when he turned water into wine, He told his mother that "His time had not yet come" . Later, He knew when the time had come and gave His life for us who believe to have eternal life with Him. Everything is perfect in His timeline.


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The hierarchical, conservative, religious-right incited the crowds and used politicians and government to execute Him in an effort to stop and kill His message.
Sound familiar..?