Found Under Dash


New member
I was away from the tractor for about three weeks.
On Call Weekend, then was under the weather.
This past Weekend finally got back to it.
Ever time that I turned off the tractor I was hearing Birds chirping, no matter were I stopped. I finally realized the the sound was coming from beneath the dash!
Left side of the dash (opposite the throttle) there was is an open slot.
Look inside and I had Squatters!!!!!!

The tractor had been under a tarp, but somehow they did managed to build a nest
Opened the left lower panel, there was a nest inside.


They were promptly evicted!
Glad you found the source! I wonder what momma-bird was thinking when it was feeding time but found you moving her nest all over as you drove around.

Too Bad, Songbirds bring a lot of smiles to most folks. I rehab them whenever I can. Bordercollie
The birds around me can nest most anywhere. In or on my equipment or buildings isn't one of them. Most of my equipment is indoors so it hasn't been an issue but they're constantly wanting to nest on the motion detector lights. For fire reasons, that's not allowed in my book.
What I have tried with the native songbirds is to put the nest in a container and hang it in a nearby tree or hang it on a nail on the wall (wren). The mother will usually find them. I only rehab native American birds such as mockingbirds,blue jays, bluebirds etc. It is unusual for jays here to build in equipment/on buildings- usually the imported bird does that (You can tell those because those nests are of clumps of grass and messy) . Bordercollie
Robins are the primary bird that nests on my motion detectors.

I'm surprised that you allow the blue jays hang around. They're considered a nuisance around here as they're always harassing the other birds as well as eating their eggs and young.
What a surprise that would have been! :eek:

Thanks for sharing the pics. :thumb: :D

Sounds like you do great work for the birdies down your way bordercollie. Good job! :thumb:
Snakes and kitties actually eat more birds than Jays harm. Jays alert other birds to hawks too. Thanks Doc, birds are my weakness.I actually have a flight cage at the edge of the woods where I let the ones I have to rehab and feed learn how to be independent. It is about 12x12 x8' . I rehabbed all sorts of bird babies ... even the elusive rain crow also called the yellow billed cuckoo. Thanks, Bordercollie
OT (off topic) but I would sure like to see pics of the flight cage and some of it's temporary inhabitants if you don't mind sharing bc.
Flight cage

Sure Doc, Thanks for asking . The picture of the 4 is after they have left the flight cage and getting ready to be on their own with a little supplemental food. I don't want to hog this thread so maybe this could be moved to it's own place if needed. Bordercollie


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