
LW Hiway

New member
I think I'll do some reading. Very nice site, informative. If Mith hangs out here, it's got to be a worthy site.:wave:



Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Hi LW Hiway! Welcome to Net Tractor Talk.
Sure nuff Mith does hang out here. He recently test drove his articulated tractor. Very cool.
Post some pics of your toys when you can. :D
Enjoy and post often. :thumb:


Active member
Welcome LW, good to see you here.

Folks, LW has found his way over from Shop Floor Talk, great site for welding and machining related stuff. There are alot of people over there (including LW) who are experts and professionals in their field and willing to answer questions.


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Very impressive. Thanks for bringing LW over Mith. :thumb:
Please share some of your favorite projects. We all enjoy that kind of stuff.
If we need a new forum better named to fit this kind of stuff please make the suggestion (that goes for LW, Mith or anyone).

LW Hiway

New member
I certainly appreciate the warm welcomes and will stop in as often as time will allow.

It's all about having time to do anything other than work.

I seem to be having some mid-level-mid-life crisis at work and have found myself and my co-workers knee-deep in more over-time in the last two years than we have made in the prior 14. Tiring, tasking and takes all the fun out of looking forward to a single day off if we're lucky.

But, these last two years has seen a big increase in toys/tools purchased to replace those more aged machines, welding and machining at/for the farm shop. Should I live past these next few years to retirement, I'm going to be in high cotton with respect to what projects I can tackle.



welcome to the forum - and while too much OT isn't a good thing, being able to look forward to more "toy time" in a couple years, is. Good luck and when ou find time, post some pics of your projects.


Lw.....good to have you and glade your here as your time permits.

Mith....?....who......oh, that guy. He has a lot of respect here!